Seed Library
About the Seed Library
The Seed Library at Glen Cove Public Library, started on Earth Day of 2017, is a free resource for Glen Cove Public Library cardholders. For thousands of years saving seed has been an important tradition that encourages self-reliance, brings communities together, preserves valuable heirloom varieties and helps to identify and encourage development of locally adapted varieties. In addition to teaching the community about the importance of Seed Saving, we will also offer workshops and feature events on sustainable gardening and other subjects that increase self-sustainability and resilience.
Come in and fill out a Seed Library Membership form and check out some seeds!
The Seed Library will open through the growing Season March 21 – September 21.
Please use the contact form for more information.
Thanks to the generosity of Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, Community Seed Resource Program, Fedco Seeds, Island Harvest, Seedsavers Exchange, Seedsower Farm, Sow True Seeds, Victory Garden Seeds for Seed Saving Materials and Seeds!
Companion Planting Guides
Companion Planting while not fully understood or thoroughly studied is a time-honored garden technique where plants are situated next to each other with the idea that they help each other in some way to grow better.
Whether the planting combination repels unwelcome insects (think Marigolds or Basil with Tomato to deter Tomato Hornworm), offers a little mid-day shade (Lettuce with Lupines or other tall plants that let in some dappled sun) or gives your plants a little boost both in height and nutrients (Three Sisters: Corn, squash and beans), companion planting is a great way to maximize space and create visually beautiful, vigorous gardens, and gain some nice diversity to boot.
Great print resources can be found at your local library, and also online. Take a look at the following guide for a quick overview of combinations that work! If you have a penchant to experiment and have a observational demeanor why not try to create some new combinations!
An In-Depth Companion Planting Guide from Mother Earth News
For a healthy, thriving garden, consult this companion planting guide when you’re deciding what seeds to put where.
Posted 5/22/17 by Regina M. Dlugokencky
Powerpoint Presentations
We have posted digital copies of the presentations given in support of the Seed Library at Glen Cove Library here!
To view the presentation click on the slides below!